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We want to give couples in our church space to meet one another and spend time together. Dinner of Six is a simple way to do this. When you register for a specific month, we will pair you with two other couples within the church (forming a group of six!). This group will be connected via email to decide on a specific night of the week to get together for dinner. This can be at someone else’s home or out at a restaurant. Whatever you choose, the goal is simply to allow you to have space to connect with other couples in the church. In order to register, please select the specific month below. Contact us!

Upcoming Events

Dinner of Six 2024: August-October

Dinner of Six 2025: January - May

The goal of this is to provide you all an opportunity to connect and build relationships with other couples at CCM. The rules here are simple. You have until the end of the month to figure out a time for all of you to gather together. This is completely open, so that you can cater something specifically for your group. You may decide to do a dinner out on the square, coffee in the park, etc. 

You now have the option to register for each dinner at one time. Please reach out to info@ if something changes with your registration.

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