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Elder Nominations


The Elder Team of City Church Marietta provides wisdom, prayer, and service to the church body. Their primary role is the care and shepherding of City Church’s attendees. They also provide wisdom and counsel to certain financial decisions, staffing related issues and opportunities, as well as theological and governance policies. The Staff of City Church is responsible for the direction and management of the various ministries of the church. The Elders, then, work in conjunction with the Staff to help City Church live out its calling of bringing life to the broken places in our hearts, home, city and world! 



  • Monitors the overall spiritual health of City Church and cares for its attendees.

  • Prays regularly for the Lord’s direction and protection of City Church.

  • Provides Godly wisdom and counsel to the Lead Pastor as he leads his personal life and guides the Staff Team of City Church.



Three years, with an option to continue with a second three-year term if approved by the current Elder Team.



One meeting every month, alongside other areas of service to the church.



  • CITY CHURCH INVOLVEMENT – In order to be considered for this role and to serve in it going forward, every potential Elder must currently be serving in a ministry area, participating in a community group, and giving to the church on a regular basis.

  • CALLING — Understands and is committed to the calling of City Church Marietta.

  • MATURE CHRIST FOLLOWER — Desires to make disciples and reach the lost.

  • ABOVE REPROACH — Godly man who is blameless, presenting no patterns of scriptural disobedience or grounds for accusation. Those who are married have spouses who model Godly character.

  • HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE — Those who are married are devoted solely to their wives.

  • SELF-CONTROLLED AND TEMPERATE — Sober, sensible, wise, balanced in judgment, not given to quick or superficial decisions based on immature thinking.

  • RESPECTED, TRUSTWORTHY, AND SINCERE — Demonstrates a well-ordered life and Godly behavior. Respected by unbelievers and free from hypocrisy. Verbally consistent and not prone to saying one thing to one person and something else to another.

  • HOSPITABLE — Radically generous with personal resources and willing to share blessings with others, not stingy or greedy. Not preoccupied with material things, but are models of giving. They aim to be purely motivated in their service and not pursuing dishonest gain.

  • HOLDING FIRMLY TO THE TRUSTWORTHY MESSAGE — Stable in their faith and obedient to the Word of God, continually seeking to be led by the Holy Spirit. Able to communicate the truth of God and exhort by sound doctrine in a non-argumentative way.

  • GENTLE, NOT VIOLENT OR QUARRELSOME — Not given to quarreling or selfish argumentation. Gentle and characterized by tenderness, not having a quick temper. Exercise self-control and patience in difficult situations.

  • MANAGES OWN FAMILY WELL — A well-ordered home that includes a healthy family life and dynamic.

  • NOT A RECENT CONVERT — Not a new believer, but has followed Christ long enough to demonstrate the reality of their conversion and the depth of their spirituality.

  • LOVES WHAT IS GOOD — Desires the will of God in every decision. Fair and impartial, and their judgments are based on biblical principles, not personal agendas.

  • HOLY AND DISCIPLINED — Reverent, desiring to be separate from sin. Devoted to prayer, the study of Scripture, and the guarding of their own spiritual walk.

  • FIRST TESTED — Proven over time that they are faithful and that their walk is credible. Eligibility for this role includes being an active attender of City Church Marietta for at least two years.**


**Husbands of current staff members are ineligible for Elder nomination.

Know someone that embodies these qualities and characteristics? nominate them below by february 9. 

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